
Appendix 1.1 National Standard of Higher Education Number 44 of 2015
Appendix 1.2 RTHE Minister Decree No. 50-2018
Appendix 1.3 KKNI – INDONESIAN NATIONAL QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK – President of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation No 8 2012
Appendix 1.4 Manpower Minister Regulation No. 21-2014
Appendix 1.5 Standard Operating Procedures IPB
Appendix 1.6. Regulation of Government of the Republic of Indonesia No 66-2013
Appendix 1.7 Strategic Plan IPB
Appendix 1.10 The correlation between learning outcornes program study of KSHE
Appendix 1.11 IPB’S MWA Regulation No 06-MWA-IPB-P-2020-article 57
Appendix 1.12 Decree of The Ministry of Education and cultural No 0546-1983
Appendix 1.13 Rector’s Decree No 234-IT3-DT2012 regarding th IPB undergraduate education (major study Program
Appendix 1.14 Law of Republic of Indonesia No 5-1990
Appendix 1.15 – Rector_s Decree No. 103 IT31 982 regarding the IPB undergraduate education (major) study program
Appendix 1.16 Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture No 137-DJ-Kep-1984
Appendix 1.17 Rector’s Decree No – 112-K13-OT-2005
Appendix 1.18 Rector’s Decree of IPB University No 09-K13-PP-2005-digabungkan
Appendix 1.19 Presidential Decree No 63-2019
Appendix 1.20 Rector’s Decree of IPB University No 112-K13-OT-2005
Appendix 1.21 Guidelines of the Design of Higher Education Curriculum in Indonesia
Appendix 1.24 Matrix between LOs and courses_KSHE
Appendix 1.25 Undergraduate Handbook
Appendix 1.26 The matrix relationship between LOs and courses of BSc Programs
Appendix 1.27 Multiactivity Enrichment Course K2020 Program and K2014 Supporting Course
Appendix 1.28 IPB Rector Regulation No. 10IT3PP2018
Appendix 1.29 Rector’S Decree of IPB University No 5-IT3-PP-2017