Ethnobiology and Forest Bioprospection (KSH1332)

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Students acquire ability to analyze the benefits and measure
    potential of wild animal and plant diversity based on local,
    traditional, or indigenous knowledge.
  2. Students acquire ability to formulate plan to conserve wild animal
    and plant diversity on local, traditional, or indigenous knowledge.


This course is consisted of 12 topics, namely:

  1. Introduction, definition, history, and prospects of ethnobiology
    Students are expected to be able to explain the definition of
    ethnobiology and the objectives, scope, and interrelatedness
    between the discipline, history, and prospects of ethnobiology
    within forest conservation activities through this topic. Assessment
    indicator for this topic is the completeness and correctness of
    explanation which accounts for for 5% of the final score of this
  2. Ethnobiology is a tangible manifestation of the principles of the
    uniqueness of the self-system in supporting food, medicine, and
    energy sovereignty
    Students are expected to be able to explain how ethnobiology is a
    tangible manifestation of the principles of the uniqueness of the
    self-system for the independence or sovereignty of the nation’s
    people and at the same time a form of biodiversity conservation
    through this topic. Assessment indicator for this topic is the
    completeness and correctness of explanation which accounts for
    for 5% of the final score of this course.
  3. Methods of ethnobiological study
    Students are expected to be able to explain and implement various methods of ethnobiological study through this topic. Assessmentindicator for this topic is the completeness and correctness ofexplanation which accounts for for 5% of the final score of this course.
  4. Ethnobotany of comestibles, plant products for energy, dyes,
    aromatics, poisons, decorations, and traditional or spiritual
    Students are expected to be able to explain the traditional
    processing of plant species for various kinds of dyes, decorations,
    aromatics, poisons, traditional comestibles, and spices by giving
    examples of their usage in ethnic communities through this topic.
    Assessment indicator for this topic is the completeness and
    correctness of explanation which accounts for for 15% of the final
    score of this course.
  5. Building community plantation forest based on traditional
    silviculture system and indigenous knowledge
    Students are expected to be able to understand and explain the
    concept of building community plantation forest based on
    traditional silviculture system and indigenous knowledge through
    this topic. Assessment indicator for this topic is the completeness
    and correctness of explanation which accounts for for 10% of the
    final score of this course.
  6. Ethnobiology of medicinal plants (Ethnophytomedics)
    Students are expected to be able to explain the use of plants for
    treating various disease based on knowledge of particular ethnic
    communities through this topic. Assessment indicator for this topic
    is the completeness and correctness of explanation which accounts
    for for 5% of the final score of this course.
  7. Ethnobiology of the traditional people of Baduy and Sunda
    Students are expected to be able to explain the case of ethnobiology
    in traditional communities in Java through this topic. Assessment
    indicator for this topic is the completeness and correctness of
    explanation which accounts for for 10% of the final score of this
  8. Indigenous knowledge in Indonesia’s agroforestry system: Case
    study in Kalimantan and Sumatra
    Students are expected to be able to explain the examples of
    traditional agroforestry system in Indonesia through this topic.
    Assessment indicator for this topic is the completeness and
    correctness of explanation which accounts for for 10% of the final
    score of this course.
  9. Types and functions of ethnic-based traditional home yard in
    Students are expected to be able to explain the types and
    functions of the ethnic-based traditional home yard landscape in
    Indonesia through this topic. Assessment indicator for this topic
    is the completeness and correctness of explanation which
    accounts for for 10% of the final score of this course.
  10. Ethnozoology in Indonesia
    Students are expected to be able to explain the examples of
    traditional knowledge of various ethnic communities in Indonesia in utilizing animal diversity through this topic. Assessment indicator for this topic is the completeness and correctness of explanation which accounts for for 10% of the final score of this course.
  11. Ethnobiology of traditional communities in Sumatra,
    Kalimantan, and Papua (case study)
    Students are expected to be able to explain the case study of
    Ethnobiology in the traditional people Sakai (Sumatra), Dayak
    Punan (Kalimantan), and Papua through this topic. Assessment
    indicator for this topic is the completeness and correctness of
    explanation which accounts for for 10% of the final score of this
  12. Application of ethnobiological data and information for bio-
    cultural-diversity conservation to manifest nation’s sovereignty
    with “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”
    Students are expected to be able to explain the application of the
    concept of ethnobiology in bio-cultural-diversity conservation
    program to support the sustainable development with “Bhinneka
    Tunggal Ika” in Indonesia through this topic. Assessment
    indicator for this topic is the completeness and correctness of
    explanationwhich accounts for for 10% of the final score of this