Conservation Bussiness (KSH1325)

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

Students gain knowledge and understanding of conservation business in the context of business development in the form of goods products, namely non timber forest products as well as those in the form of ecotourism and other ecosystem/environmental services.

Students gain knowledge and understanding in building a conservation
business and its various challenges by considering all existing factors,
including the availability of forest resources, laws and regulations,
stakeholders in the conservation sector, and community readiness.

Course description

This course will provide mastery of business theory and practice in the field of biological resource conservation and ecotourism which includes: business concepts and business ecosystems; entrepreneurial spirit; forms of business entities and business scale; conservation business conditions; conservation business opportunities and risks; strategies and techniques for building conservation businesses; conservation business planning; conservation business management; best experience of conservation business practices; and evaluation of conservation business success.